

Martin Marx erkundigt sich nach dem Befinden seiner Familie in Frankfurt und stellt fest, dass seine Geschäfts- und Heiratspläne „mangels Kapital“ gescheitert sind, zumal er seine Ersparnisse für die Bürgschaft brauchen wird. Er habe auf der Hochzeit Stanley´s photographiert, als plötzlich ein von ihm verursachter Kurzschluss seine Arbeit unterbrach, bis er seine Reservelampe installiert hatte. Die Hochzeitsfeierlichkeit wurde auf Schallplatte „verewigt“. Das Brautpaar verbrachte seinen honeymoon in Florida.

Dear All,

Since Feb 9, I still have not got any mail from you. I was hoping that now that the airmail goes again directly, I would receive something. How are you doing, are you all healthy? Have you found new company and new friends after the Golds had left? Who is your new tenant? What about the house in Gerau? It must be spring over there in the meantime. Go for frequent walks, so you can enjoy some fresh air and the sunshine driving the cold out of your bones.

Here is everything as usual: my plans concerning business and marriage had to be put aside due to lack of funds. I will need my money as caution for the sponsorship. When will your number be coming up? Have you in the meantime heard from the Levys, they must be coming over here soon?

Last Sunday I attended Stanley’s wedding, the two made a beautiful couple. I was naturally very busy with my Contax and camera, I recorded the wedding in color, albeit not without some calamity: Just as they were about to play the wedding march, and I turned on my lights, there was a short . But you can’t keep a good man down; Just as I put in a new fuse, I tripped over the cable, which of course broke; but I had a spare light and so the ceremony could go on. Everything was recorded on LPs as a warning for future generations. Lots of mischpoche was there, except for Aunt Kätchen who was not feeling well and the Schaffners who had the measles.

As European deputies, other than me, Aunt Bertha and Uncle Salomon present. After a lot of kissing and reading aloud all telegrams, the young couple disappeared driving to Florida.

These are the main events. Before I was at Windermere where Kätchen and Max were playing cards. Hope to hear soon from you. Stay healthy. Greetings to all in Bretten and all others.