Herz, Max
Max Herz
Born: Jan 19, 1873
Died: 1956?
Relationship to Martin:
What is known:
Emigrated to Chicago in July 1890
Lived for considerable time at 4911 Vincennes Ave, later at Hotel Windermere, 1642 E. 56th St
Provided the affidavit for Martin to emigrate
Married to Katherine Rueb roughly 1894, she originally of Odernheim, Germany (born 9/16/1873), daughter of Jacob Rueb and Regina Marx
Naturalized: 8/29/1895 in Chicago
Children: Lee (8/8/1895-3/27/1958), Elfriede (12/6/1897-?) , Edward (8/12/1901-6/20/1976) married to Lorella A Herz
As of 1920, reports to be a "Butter & egg merchant" on his passport application - he's traveling then to Switzerland to see his mother (Hernriette Herz)
As of 1933, working at Edward Rueb & Co, his brother-in-law's dairy and egg business
As of 1942, proprietor of Max Herz & Sons, Inc, 1137 Fulton St., Chicago
Passport picture, 1920: