Herz, Max

Max Herz


Born: Jan 19, 1873

Died: 1956?

Relationship to Martin:

What is known:

    • Emigrated to Chicago in July 1890

    • Lived for considerable time at 4911 Vincennes Ave, later at Hotel Windermere, 1642 E. 56th St

    • Provided the affidavit for Martin to emigrate

    • Married to Katherine Rueb roughly 1894, she originally of Odernheim, Germany (born 9/16/1873), daughter of Jacob Rueb and Regina Marx

    • Naturalized: 8/29/1895 in Chicago

    • Children: Lee (8/8/1895-3/27/1958), Elfriede (12/6/1897-?) , Edward (8/12/1901-6/20/1976) married to Lorella A Herz

    • As of 1920, reports to be a "Butter & egg merchant" on his passport application - he's traveling then to Switzerland to see his mother (Hernriette Herz)

    • As of 1933, working at Edward Rueb & Co, his brother-in-law's dairy and egg business

    • As of 1942, proprietor of Max Herz & Sons, Inc, 1137 Fulton St., Chicago


From Martin's album (assumed this is Max)

Passport picture, 1920: