

Martin berichtet an seine Familie in Frankfurt zum Jahresende 1939/1940, dass der weihnachtliche Hochbetrieb im Geschäft jetzt vorbei ist. Er freut sich, dass Emil Marx noch genug Außenstände einholen kann, die seinen Lebensunterhalt finanziell sichern; erkundigt sich nach der Brettener Verwandtschaft.

Die Briefe, die Martin Marx im Dezember schreibt, sind alle maschinenschriftlich verfasst und spät abends mit Durchschlägen auf dünnem Papier nicht nur nach Deutschland abgeschickt worden, sondern auch von ihm selbst aufbewahrt worden und deshalb noch erhalten.

Martin Marx

1718 E. 55th Street Chicago, Illinois, Dec. 28, 39

Dear all,

Meanwhile I received your card of Nov 30, and so I would like to respond to you right away. I spent the holidays in the cottage, and enjoyed it very much, as I'd had little free time before that. Justin’s roasted goose contributed greatly to the good mood. What’s more, we had lovely, sunny weather, almost spring-like; now it starts to get colder. In the shop, the Christmas madness is now over, and it is quite calm. I am glad that your old financial issues are now in order. Have you lost a lot on fees, etc.? At least this way you still have some income, and enough to live on. I have heard that one can pay over there for the crossing on Italian ships, is that true? But one hears so much… How are Uncle Joseph and Tante Hans doing? Have you heard from their children? Is Gertrud still in Germany? Here, there is no news; I do not see any relatives because I work too late in the evenings. Now, too, it is already 11:30 and I do not want to disturb my neighbors' sleep too much - so I’ll end here.

Give my greetings to all – stay healthy!